Clever Hedgehog’s Library is an expansive collection of free, illustrated e-books created by authors worldwide to promote children’s learning in fun ways and support children’s development during difficult times. Ebooks are a great start to encourage literacy in modern kids. It’s not the replacement of paper books, but an addition, something, you won’t find offline.
Clever Hedgehog offers:
1. Family-friendly stories in Ukrainian for children from birth to 10 years old. Narration is available in Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Polish, Swedish and Ukrainian.
2. Books explore various topics to expand children’s knowledge and language skills.
3. Kids will like to use simple illustrated ebooks they can learn to read themselves or with parents.
4. Books in English and Ukrainian are handy tools for learning and teaching kids the languages.
5. Easy to use and accessible worldwide via the Internet.
Other books from the book series “Ukrainian Culture”