Enjoy The Beauty Of The Fall With Clever Hedgehog

Hello kids! Have you seen trees in the park change leaves from green to yellow, brown and red already? This is because the season known as fall, or autumn, has arrived! It brings a lot of changes in weather as it cools down, and nature transforms into a colorful wonderland.

It’s a season that Clever Hedgehog looks forward to! 

How Long Does the Fall Last?

The fall lasts for around three months, usually from September to November in many places.

But in places near the equator (in countries like Ecuador or Singapore), there is no autumn, winter, spring, or summer — it’s warm all year long! After autumn, winter comes!


How To Tell When The Fall (Autumn) ☔ Is Here? 

Some special signs tell us the season is changing:

The weather gets cooler: You may notice it’s not as hot anymore, and we start wearing sweaters or jackets.

Days become shorter and nights longer: You will see the sun set earlier, and it gets dark quicker than in summer.

The leaves change color and fall to the ground: Leaves on trees turn yellow, orange, and red. They stop being green because the trees get ready to rest for winter. Trees let go of their leaves to save energy in the cold months ahead. Read here why tree leaves 🍁 turn yellow in the fall >>>

Animals get ready for winter: Some animals, like squirrels, collect food to keep for the winter. Other animals, like bears, start eating a lot because they will sleep all winter long. Birds fly away to warm countries.

How to tell when the fall (autumn) is here?

What do animals 🐰 do in the fall?

Animals prepare for winter in the fall, and each animal does it in its way. Some animals, such as squirrels 🐿️, gather and hide food – nuts, acorns, and seeds – to have something to eat during the winter.

Bears 🐻 eat a lot in the fall to store fat and then sleep all winter in their warm den. This is called hibernation. During hibernation, the bear does not eat or drink – it rests. Hedgehogs 🦔 hibernate during the winter too to conserve energy.

Birds 🐦‍⬛ fly to warm countries, where they will not be cold, and where they can find a lot of food. This is called migration

Some animals, like foxes 🦊 or hares 🐇, change their fur to be thicker and warmer in the fall so that they don’t get cold in the winter.

What do plants 🪴 do in the fall?

In the fall, plants prepare for the cold winter. The trees are starting to drop their leaves. 🍂

Other plants, such as flowers and grasses, also fall to “sleep” underground, and their seeds wait for spring to grow into new sprouts.


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How to tell when the fall (autumn) is here?

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