Easter Traditions in Different Countries

Happy Easter!

Easter is the most important holiday after Christmas for many people around the world.

Easter is considered both a religious and non-religious holiday. For those who follow religious tradition, Easter is special because it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For non-religious people, it celebrates new beginnings, longer days, and time spent with friends and family.

Whether you’re celebrating Easter in the USA, Ukraine or elsewhere in the world, Clever Hedgehog wishes you and your family a very happy Easter.

Clever Hedgehog asked his friends about how they celebrate Easter in their countries. Let’s see what they say:

Easter celebration in the USA

Timmy, the USA “If you ask me what I like the most about the Easter celebration in the USA, it is friends, fun, and tons of chocolate eggs! 

The Easter egg 🥚 is a huge symbol of Easter. Easter eggs represent new beginnings and new life. We dye eggs at home to make them look nice and colorful on the Easter table. 

I like Easter egg hunts. Easter egg hunts are events where adults hide colorful plastic Easter eggs, filled with candy, treats, coins, or toys for children. Some people do Easter egg hunts with their family in their backyard, but larger Easter egg hunts are organized in parks, fields, and churches.

Those people for whom Easter is a religious holiday go to church. There are different types of church services offered around Easter time.

Chicks 🐣 are icons of Easter, as well as the Easter Bunny 🐰. When children fall asleep on the night before Easter, the Easter Bunny visits your house and leaves an Easter basket filled with candy, toys, and treats. Then on Easter morning when the children wake up, they open their Easter baskets to find surprises. I remember getting so excited to find out what was in my Easter basket! Once, we ate so many chocolates that our faces and clothes were covered in chocolate!


Here you can see me looking for Easter eggs. I remember getting so excited when I finally found one!

Easter celebration in Ukraine

Julia, Ukraine – In many regions of Ukraine, Easter is celebrated as one of the most important religious holidays, as well as in the city, of Kolomyia, where I am from.

Preparation and festivities begin three days before Easter. The most important preparation begins with baking a special Easter bread, called paska. My mom uses an old recipe passed down through generations in our family.

But my favorite Easter tradition is coloring eggs. All my family will dye Easter eggs, krashanky, in different colors to make them look nice. 

Ukrainians also make special Easter eggs – pysanky 🥚. You need to be very creative to do that. Pysanky come in various colors, unique patterns, and ornaments, where every dot has its meaning. You can paint symbols of the sun, moon and stars, water and fire, earth, leaves, etc. Each pysanka is a real piece of art.

Then my family fills a special Easter basket for church with paskakrashankypysanky, sweets, and candles. We bring Easter baskets to be blessed in church. 

On Easter day, people exchange special greetings, saying, “Christ is Risen,” to which the response is “Indeed, He is Risen.” 

Later, families gather around the festive table, where the main dish is paska, symbolizing the resurrection of Christ, accompanied by pysanky, symbolizing new life. 

Some people gather to sing and dance haivky, traditional spring songs and dances, performed only during Easter. 

My sister and I help decorate paska.

This pysanka I made this year.

If you visit me in Kolomyia, we can visit the Pysanka Museum. The museum has the shape of a pysanka. It possesses a collection of over 10,000 pysanky.

If you travel to the town of Vegreville in Canada, you can see a giant sculpture of a pysanka, a Ukrainian-style Easter egg – the largest pysanka in the world.

Myke2020, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Easter celebration in Australia

Sam, Australia – You can see Easter bunnies 🐇 around, but here in Australia we also celebrate the bilby (or macrotis) as the Easter icon.

Bilbies have been hopping around Australia for millions of years, but are now sadly a threatened species. Look out for chocolate Easter bilbies to buy to help support bilbies in Australia. 

Another popular Easter activity in Australia is enjoying sweet hot cross buns filled with dried fruit.

Easter celebration in Guatemala

Carlos, Guatemala – The week leading up to Easter is a very special time in Antigua, Guatemala. During this time, people work together to decorate streets with Alfombras De Semana Santa, the Easter sawdust carpets that decorate roads that lead to churches.

People make colorful patterns and pictures, sprinkling them with flower petals, pine needles, fruits, vegetables, and brightly dyed sawdust. They work for hours to make their alfombras unique and perfect. With this tradition, people show faith in the Supreme Creator. 

On Easter day, the Statues of Jesus and Mary are carried out of churches on people’s shoulders. They walk through parks and neighborhoods on the cushion of the alfombras

The Alfombras are made of natural materials that are not meant to last. The carpet falls apart as people walk through the streets.

Clever Hedgehog would love to hear from you what Easter traditions you have in your family.

Send Clever Hedgehog an email at ebooks4ukrkids@udel.edu!

Fun Facts about Easter

Did you know that the date of Easter changes every year? In different countries, people use different calendars and ways to count days. This year, Easter 2024 will be celebrated on March 31st in many countries around the world, except for some countries, like Ukraine, that will celebrate Easter on May 5th.

Did you know that ornamented stone and clay eggs have been discovered from ancient times throughout Ukraine? The oldest eggshell pysanka was excavated in Lviv in 2013 and was found in a rainwater collection system that dates to the 15th or 16th century. The pysanka was painted on a goose egg with a wave pattern design.

Did you know that the Hutsuls — ethnic Ukrainians who live in the Carpathian Mountains highlands in western Ukraine — believe that the fate of the world depends upon the pysanka? As long as the egg-decorating custom continues, the world will exist. If, for any reason, this custom is abandoned, evil will overrun the world.

Egg Hunt, Haivky and Pysanky with Clever Hedgehog for kids >>>

Free Coloring Pages For Kids

Free Easter activity coloring
Free Easter activity coloring
Free Easter activity coloring

Easter Fun Activity Free Printable PDF

Easter Songs and Interactive Play

Going on a Bunny Hunt – Interactive Easter Play

Easter Song for Kids

Rock to Get Ready For Easter Song 

Easter Arts and Crafts ideas

How to Draw a Bunny

How to Draw an Easter Egg

How to Draw an Easter Basket

How To Draw An Easter Chick 🐣

How to make a basket from paper | papercraft

How to make a basket from paper

Easter Basket Folding Surprise

An Easter Egg Stack Folding Surprise

Send us your photos or video to our email storieswithcleverhedgheog@gmail.com or tag us on Instagram and Facebook with  #CleverHedgehogCrafts

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Ukrainian film wins Oscar

Exciting news for every Ukrainian – the Ukrainian film “20 Days in Mariupol” won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. The film sheds light on the bravery of Ukrainian journalists and the truth about what is going on in Ukraine.

 History has been made as it is the first Oscar in the history of Ukrainian filmmaking 🏆🇺🇦. 

Ukrainian filmmaker and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mstyslav Chernov gave a powerful speech while accepting the Oscar trophy, saying “The people of Mariupol and those who have given their lives will never be forgotten because cinema forms memories and memories form history”. 

We believe that with every little commitment we continue to support Ukrainian voices across continents and share the truth about Ukraine with the world. 🇺🇦

As part of our commitment to support Ukrainian families, we created our website “Stories with Clever Hedgehog” with a wide selection of children’s ebooks and entertainment to help parents reduce children’s stress during these unprecedented times.

Ukrainian filmmaker Mstyslav Chernov, centre, with his Oscar alongside producers Raney Aronson-Rath, left, and Michelle Mizner © Robyn BECK / AFP

Ukrainian filmmaker Mstyslav Chernov, centre, with his Oscar alongside producers Raney Aronson-Rath, left, and Michelle Mizner © Robyn BECK / AFP

Festive Hedgehog

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Clever Hedgehog at Ukrainian Community Day event

Ukrainian Community Day at the University of Pennsylvania

Did you meet Clever Hedgehog and his team members at the recent Ukrainian Community Day hosted by Penn Live Arts on March 3, 2024?

We were happy to participate in this event celebrating Ukrainian-American artists, highlighting the artistry and soul of Ukraine rich with cultural history.

Given the significant presence of Ukrainians at the event, many of whom have families back in Ukraine, we were happy to present the Clever Hedgehog initiative and all the fun and engaging materials that Clever Hedgehog has on his website to help children grow, learn and enjoy childhood, especially during these challenging times.  

Clever Hedgehog is truly grateful for the organizers’ hard work, as he enjoyed every moment with new friends. Together we sparked creativity, enjoying coloring pages from our website and winning some fantastic prizes! 

 Ukrainian Community Day hosted by Penn Live Arts  2024
 Ukrainian Community Day hosted by Penn Live Arts  2024
 Ukrainian Community Day hosted by Penn Live Arts  2024
 Ukrainian Community Day hosted by Penn Live Arts  2024
 Ukrainian Community Day hosted by Penn Live Arts  2024
Festive Hedgehog

Follow us for updates on more chances to meet Clever Hedgehog soon

We’ll be announcing another event shortly! Stay tuned!  

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Spring is here!

Hedgehog spring

Let’s Welcome Spring !

Spring is a really fun and exciting time of the year. It is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts.

Flowers start to bloom in spring, and the world becomes colorful again. Animals and bugs come out of hibernation, and birds come back from warm places.

Let’s learn about signs of Spring together with Clever Hedgehog!

Signs of Spring

Spring is like magic for the world! It’s when everything wakes up from a long nap. The weather gets warmer, just like a cozy hug from the sun. 

It’s when everything wakes up from a long nap. The weather gets warmer, just like a cozy hug from the sun. Flowers start to pop up from the ground like colorful candies. 

Trees that were bare in winter grow new leaves. They start out tiny and green, but they get bigger and bigger as the days get longer.

Birds that were away in warm countries all winter are coming back, too.

spring bird
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

What we can do in Spring?

Spring is a great time for planting seeds and growing gardens.

Spring is a time to play outside! The days get longer, which means you get to play outside for longer too! You can skip in the sunshine, have a picnic under a tree, or go on a bug hunt. It’s a season full of fun and new discoveries! Clever Hedgehog has a lot of ideas for outdoor games!

Spring is also when we celebrate Easter, which is a special holiday when we paint eggs and have egg hunts. It’s a time for families to come together and have fun.

Did you know?

In spring, swallows return to their homes and immediately begin to repair and make their nests cozy for future chicks.

Swallows’ nests are built from lumps of wet dirt or clay, which they collect from puddles. Between mud lumps they lay grass and plant roots for more strength. The bottom of a swallow’s nest is lined with down and feathers.

Swallows that live in cities and swallows that live in the countryside make nests in different ways. City swallows build nests on the walls of large buildings close to each other. Countryside swallows build nests inside barns and stables.

Swallows spend most of their lives in the air. They eat and drink while flying. These birds help nature by eating harmful insects.

Valentine's Day Cards

Poems about Spring

It’s Time for Spring

My sweater’s tight and itchy
My snow pants are too small
Last week I lost a mitten
I can’t find my scarf at all.

My woolen socks have lost their toes.
My boots have lost their tread.
And I have lost the love I had
For words like “skies” and “sleds”.

But … my fishing rod still fits
And … my baseball bat still kits
I have a kite that wants to fly
So … Winter, call it quits!

By Bobby Katz 

One Spring Day

One sunny day,
When I went outside to play,
I saw something starting to grow.

When I went closer to look,
I saw something out of a book,
That sprouts were all in a row.

So I looked all around me,
It was a fresh sight to see
That flowers had begun to grow!


In the garden tulips grow.
Straight and golden in a row.
Each one holds its empty cup,
Drinking rain and sunshine up.

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Spring Day crafts ideas

Valentine's Day Card, Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog
Valentine's Day Card, Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog
Valentine's Day Card, Coloring page for kids, Stories with Clever Hedgehog

Springtime song for children

Spring Freeze Dance

Send us your photos or video to our email ebooks4ukrkids@udel.edu or tag us on Instagram and Facebook with  #CleverHedgehogContest

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